Thursday, December 18, 2008
I think it would be sweet if there were other life forms out there!!! WE could communicate and maybe they could help us clean up our earth so we don't kill it and us together!!! It may be possible to find life out there, considering we can't and haven't gone to any other galaxies. I think if there is a way to get to another galaxy faster then we may be able to find life out there. But..if they have the same intelligence as us then they would have been able to find us already. SO i think we should create some type of thing to get us to another galaxy to see what we can find. We may be able to communicate with other life forms..which would be cool.
Big Bang
The Big Bang Theory is a theory that the universe was a small particle that exploded and made the universe. We have been studying the universe for many years and have used different tools to help us. Microwave radiation helped up figure out the steady rate theory by sending waves that interfered with telephone calls. COBE was the first study of microwaves across the universe. WMAP is a thing that shoots off into space so we can study it further and CBI is a big tin can that sits on top of a mountain that we also use to study space. While using WMAP we found out that it traveled all the way past Jupiter. We found out that humans are actually possibly made of stardust. crazy. In not sure if i should believe the big band theory or not.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Stellar Evolution
A.) No, as it cools it becomes a black dwarf.
B.) It's life cycle is almost over..which means it is almost dead.
C.) No it cannot
D.) They are the nearest to the sun, most common type of star in the galaxy, and are strong X-ray sources.
E.) They all go through a cycle.
B.) It's life cycle is almost over..which means it is almost dead.
C.) No it cannot
D.) They are the nearest to the sun, most common type of star in the galaxy, and are strong X-ray sources.
E.) They all go through a cycle.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
1. The event horizen is the middle of the hole. once ur there, you're stuck. the accelleration to get away from one has to be faster than the speed of light.
2. The escape velocity has to do with the size of the object and its mass, if the object is small and has a lot of mass, you will need nore velocity to escape it. that also describes a black hole. the speed of light is not enough to escape it.
3. The escape velocity must be very high if the size of the black hole is small with a very high mass. light gets bent if it passes to close to a black hole.
4. Stellar black holes are created by dying stars super massive black holes are in the middle of a galaxy.
5. They thought black holes were invisible stars.
6. Uses the stis to use infrared visible and near ultrviolet light.
7. The volume of a black hole is huge-false
black holes will eventually destroy the universe-false
2. The escape velocity has to do with the size of the object and its mass, if the object is small and has a lot of mass, you will need nore velocity to escape it. that also describes a black hole. the speed of light is not enough to escape it.
3. The escape velocity must be very high if the size of the black hole is small with a very high mass. light gets bent if it passes to close to a black hole.
4. Stellar black holes are created by dying stars super massive black holes are in the middle of a galaxy.
5. They thought black holes were invisible stars.
6. Uses the stis to use infrared visible and near ultrviolet light.
7. The volume of a black hole is huge-false
black holes will eventually destroy the universe-false
Rest of my life...
I want to major in psychology... I want to be a therapist for teens.
I think that i can help them in a variety of ways...and i would be really good at it.
I am a really good listener, even though sometimes i have selective hearing..haha
I believe that this would be a great job for me...and i would really enjoy it.
I want to go to the University of Texas in Austin.
I think that i can help them in a variety of ways...and i would be really good at it.
I am a really good listener, even though sometimes i have selective hearing..haha
I believe that this would be a great job for me...and i would really enjoy it.
I want to go to the University of Texas in Austin.
will this be the end...?
IM not sure if we should be scared or not. We haven't been hit yet, but this is 26,000 years later... when everything lines up. No one was around to know what happend 26,000 years ago? So i think the world may very well end on December 21, 2012....Thats what i have believed for a long time. It kind of all makes sense, but then again, Ma Powell says it wont. So..i might have to take your word for it!! scared or not?
Honestly i think we should be concerned. If we know ahead of time we can get all the people evacuated and away safely! The human race can't end...thats just not a good thing. We could completly avoid the affects of a shoemaker levy 9 asteroid because if we know it's coming, we could possibly destroy it or at least get people to safety. But then again, a football sized asteroid is a threat to the earth every million not sure we could destroy an even bigger asteroid if we can't do anything about that one. Then...the human race would be gone..and...yeah. that would suck.
Pangea-means one land, scientist believe that the continents were once one big land mass
Sea floor spreading- two sea floors are spreading apart makes the ocean bigger.
Plate boundries- the edges of the plates
The ring of fire-where all of the volcanoes are
The mid-ocean ridge-the biggest maountain range in the world, tallest, and it's underground
Shifting north and south pole-north and south pole switch once every 100,000 years don't know why
Extinct volcanoes on the moon tell us that the moon's crust isn't moving
Active volcanoes on mars tell us that the crust is still moving
Dubo-shifts 4.26 mm a year
HILO-35.77mm year
KELY-11.23mm a year
HOFN-14.87 mm a year
Tells us they are slowly moving
Rotation of the earth-caused the earth to wobble slightly on it's axes, also shortened the day by 2.6 micro seconds
Shape of the earth - The momentum of the water displaced by tectonic uplift had also dragged massive slabs of rock, each weighing millions of tons, as far as 10 km (7 mi) across the seabed
Shape of ocean where it originated there was a sudden vertical rise in the sea bed.
Energy released-the same as 26.3 megatons of tnt.
Three pieces of evidence for his idea for plate techtonics
1.The continents fit together like a puzzle
2. Found fossils of animals that couldnot have survived unless the contenents were connected
3. Found fossils of tropical plants in antarctica
Sea floor spreading- two sea floors are spreading apart makes the ocean bigger.
Plate boundries- the edges of the plates
The ring of fire-where all of the volcanoes are
The mid-ocean ridge-the biggest maountain range in the world, tallest, and it's underground
Shifting north and south pole-north and south pole switch once every 100,000 years don't know why
Extinct volcanoes on the moon tell us that the moon's crust isn't moving
Active volcanoes on mars tell us that the crust is still moving
Dubo-shifts 4.26 mm a year
HILO-35.77mm year
KELY-11.23mm a year
HOFN-14.87 mm a year
Tells us they are slowly moving
Rotation of the earth-caused the earth to wobble slightly on it's axes, also shortened the day by 2.6 micro seconds
Shape of the earth - The momentum of the water displaced by tectonic uplift had also dragged massive slabs of rock, each weighing millions of tons, as far as 10 km (7 mi) across the seabed
Shape of ocean where it originated there was a sudden vertical rise in the sea bed.
Energy released-the same as 26.3 megatons of tnt.
Three pieces of evidence for his idea for plate techtonics
1.The continents fit together like a puzzle
2. Found fossils of animals that couldnot have survived unless the contenents were connected
3. Found fossils of tropical plants in antarctica
-Has a hexagon in North Pole with 6 equally straight sides
- 6th planet from the sun
- In constellation Leo
- .07 magnitude brightness
- 19.8 Arc Seconds across
-Has a hexagon in North Pole with 6 equally straight sides
- 6th planet from the sun
- In constellation Leo
- .07 magnitude brightness
- 19.8 Arc Seconds across
The Rest of the Moons
a( Periods of the four moons
b( The graphical pictures attained
c( Difficulty gallileo had seeing it
c( How mini system helped gallileo form heliocentric views
Lo takes 25 days to travel around jupiter, Europa takes 3 days to travel around, Ganymede takes 7 days, and Callisto takes 15 days
Thy graphics, like the wave lengths, show the shape of the orbits, the more symmetric the wavelengths the more circular the orbits are. To gallileo, it would have looked like the moons were just moving back and forth. seeing the moons go around jupiter gave the idea to gallileo that a solar system could revolve around the sun.
b( The graphical pictures attained
c( Difficulty gallileo had seeing it
c( How mini system helped gallileo form heliocentric views
Lo takes 25 days to travel around jupiter, Europa takes 3 days to travel around, Ganymede takes 7 days, and Callisto takes 15 days
Thy graphics, like the wave lengths, show the shape of the orbits, the more symmetric the wavelengths the more circular the orbits are. To gallileo, it would have looked like the moons were just moving back and forth. seeing the moons go around jupiter gave the idea to gallileo that a solar system could revolve around the sun.
Jupiter's Moon
Callistio is the furthest moon from jupiter. We can tell because it has the highest waves and also has a very circular orbit. The way i can tell is because the wave shapes are very even.
Lo is the closest moon to jupiter. We can tell because the wavelengths are very short. It's orbit is not circular because the wavelengths are sparratic.
Lo is the closest moon to jupiter. We can tell because the wavelengths are very short. It's orbit is not circular because the wavelengths are sparratic.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
About Planets
When the video first started I thought that Pluto was a good size, then it kept showing bigger planets and when it got to Earth I was thinking we were huge! Then, it kept going and going and the Sun was way bigger then I imagined. If you compare Pluto to the Sun it's like comparing a pea to a bowling ball. I never knew there were stars or planets bigger then the sun. VV Cephei is HUGE! It's the largest star, and it's gigantic!
Monday, November 3, 2008
S. Chandrasekhar
-Developed the theory of white dwarf stars, showing that quantum mechanical degeneracy pressure cannot stabilize a massive star., October 30, 2008
-From his observations, Copernicus concluded that every planet, including Earth, revolved around the Sun.
-He also determined that the Earth rotates daily on its axis and that the Earth's motion affected what people saw in the heavens.
-From his observations, Copernicus concluded that every planet, including Earth, revolved around the Sun.
-He also determined that the Earth rotates daily on its axis and that the Earth's motion affected what people saw in the heavens.
Henrietta Leavitt
-Leavitt specifically focused on a group of stars known as the Cepheid variables.
-Leavitt realized that distance was related to luminosity, not just to apparent magnitude. This became known as the Period-Luminosity relation.
-Leavitt specifically focused on a group of stars known as the Cepheid variables.
-Leavitt realized that distance was related to luminosity, not just to apparent magnitude. This became known as the Period-Luminosity relation.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pope Gregory XIII
-In 1582 he promulgated the revision of the calendar, supplanting the Julian with the Gregorian.
Albert Michelson (Michelson-Morley experiment)
- In 1881 he invented his interferometer for the purpose of discovering the effect of the Earth's motion on the observed velocity.
James Van Allen
-He helped develop the proximity fuse, and then sailed with the Pacific Fleet to advise on the use and operation of this important device.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carl Sagan
-He helped solve the mysteries of the high temperature of Venus, the seasonal changes on Mars and the reddish haze of Titan.
(384-322 BCE)
-Aristotle argued that the universe is spherical and finite.
-To prove that the earth is a sphere, he produced the argument that all earthly substances move towards the center, and thus would eventually have to form a sphere.
(190-120 BC)
-He made an early contribution to trigonometry producing a table of chords, an early example of a trigonometric table; indeed some historians go so far as to say that trigonometry was invented by him.
(85-165 BC)
-Ptolemy used geometric models to predict the positions of the sun, moon, and planets, using combinations of circular motion known as epicycles.
Monday, October 27, 2008
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